Born in Baltimore, HON!
Our Story
For years, owner, Kathy Filosi Nelson, made English Walnut toffee from an old family recipe (no, really)!
Whether for family, friends, or teachers, it was always met with happiness…. That’s our proud history.
But… here’s the rest of the story!
Baltimore, hon! We moved to Baltimore, immediately fell in love with this quirky place and knew we
were home. I was freelancing, making videos (former TODAY Show producer)! A neighbor (now very
close friend) was opening a catering business and she wanted to sell our toffee. Sure, why not?!? A little
side hustle! In retrospect, what were we thinking! Where to begin? Come up with a name for the
company. That was fun! Get Board of Health license. Make toffee. Lots and lots and lot of toffee. So
much toffee! It’s a hit. A BIG hit. Six years later our little side hustle has exploded. Sixteen, globally
inspired toffee and bark flavors (think candy you crack!), loyal growing family of customers, lots and lots
of chocolate sampling (somebody has to do it) and, not withstanding a global pandemic, still having fun.

We get to make people happy. We get to give back to those who help and those who need a little help.
And, we get to help grow community here in Baltimore. We’ve learned that making toffee is definitely
not for the feint of heart but we’re way past that point! Our motto is “Try it…you’ll hide it!” Come see
why for yourself!